Server Load Balancing Complete
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Dear Client's,
Over the past 4-8 weeks, client's on the following servers:
skyhost,skyhost04,skyhost05,skyhost12,skyhost17,skyhost22,skyhost24 & skyhost32
have all been undergoing load balancing which is our process of maintaining and
ensuring all servers are working efficiently and effectively.
Many client's have noticed that cPanel may have been running alot slower than usual,
along with Security Error messages. Please be advised that the load balancing is now
finished and you should no longer recieve these error messages.
Load balancing is a one-off process we do every year, to ensure your site runs
effectively. Hosting over 100,000 clients requires a large amount of resources and
these have been successfully allocated and therefore you should no longer face any
Thanks for your patience & co-operation.
Kind Regards,
Mr Jake Evans
Server Management Team